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Conference Streamed to 450+

Unfortunately, a week out from the event, Auckland returned to Alert Level 3 and a physical event became an impossibility. DOC’s Strategic Partnerships Advisor and Edwards transformed the physical event to virtual in six days.

Monday 17th August should have seen a 250-seater conservation stakeholder event, hosted by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and opened by the Minister of Conservation, take place at the Auckland Hyundai Marine Sports Centre.

A week out from the event, Auckland returned to Alert Level 3 and a physical event became an impossibility. But Julie Kidd, DOC’s Strategic Partnerships Advisor, is not the kind of person who lets a lockdown order stand in the way of what was set to be a stimulating and engaging day, “We had an array of speakers sharing learnings from our last long lockdown and the positive impact that had on nature in our rohe/region. I was determined to make it happen and I figured I had six days to do it in!”

Julie and Edwards' Jenny McMeekin worked together to transform the presenter-led, content-rich event from a face-to-face gathering to an engaging online experience. Nine speakers, including the Minister for Conservation, remotely delivered presentations, with videos running during the transition from one to the next, and an MC overseeing proceedings.

Edwards coached each of the presenters prior to the event and oversaw the technical side of things throughout, seamlessly supporting anyone who ran into an issue.

The event culminated in a moderated Q and A session retaining the interactivity so valued at such stakeholder events.

Julie Kidd from DOC kindly shared her learnings from the experience on our blog.

For help with your virtual event, contact the Edwards Hire team.