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Complete wireless gym headet system including an E-Mic Fitness Headset (rated for the job) with its 12 month guarantee, our Fitness Audio wireless transmitter and receiver with military grade corrosion treatment on the PC board (keep the sweat damage away), and a microphone belt included. We also include your first set of batteries and a cable to connect it into your existing sound system.
These are designed for 1-2 classes a day of "low-medium intensity" use - if 4-7 classes a day is more like it then upgrade to the Aeromic Headset System. The wireless system operates on 650~670MHz which is legal for use anywhere in New Zealand and Australia.
Emic Product Highlight Video Here and the UHF Wireless System we pair it with for this package.
Complete wireless mic package in a box at a great price.
You get the E-Mic headset microphone, wireless mic transmitter and receiver, plus the cables to hook it up, AND an Aeromic mic belt and the first set of batteries included. The best thing about the Fitness audio wireless gear is that it is actually designed for frequent use in high sweat environments so it will last the distance - guaranteed! The E-Mic is designed for 1-2 classes a day, so if you use your system more than this the Aeromic is a must.