Edwards have had a busy few weeks with many schools taking up the recent offer of a free onsite consultation on upgrading a school paging system. Jamie, our 2N Audio-over-IP Product Manager, and his team have been visiting schools and doing an assessment of their existing equipment. Edwards aim to utilise as much of the existing infrastructure as possible. For some schools this is Soundcraft, whilst others currently have nothing in place.
Once the equipment has been audited, Jamie talks to the school about their needs. The key question is whether a school wants to communicate with each classroom individually or simply into designated zones around the school, such as whole syndicates or outdoor spaces. Jamie and his team then drill down, investigating if the school requires a school bell system, an emergency lockdown alert or the ability to broadcast a school radio station.
Within a day or two Edwards then provide a tailor-made plan for each school, offering them a couple of options to consider where requested. Even if a school is not in a position to move on the paging system immediately, Edwards will have provided the school with an idea of what is involved to inform their annual planning. “The most important element of our onsite visit is establishing what the school wants from its paging system,” explains Jamie. “We don’t want them to end up with equipment that they won’t use, or that duplicates what they already have in school.”
If you prepare your annual plan in term 3 and would like Edwards to pay your school a visit, contact Jamie to organise a date and time before the end of term 2.