Frequently Asked Questions about the Air Guard Disinfection Fog Machine
Q. What germs does the AirGuard disinfectant fogger kill?
The antiviral agent in the disinfectant liquid is Thymol and is listed on the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) website as meeting their criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It is also tested and proven effective against the influenza virus and general pneumonia, a lot of bacteria and moulds too.
Q. What size particles are produced in the fog?
This is where the Air Guard technology leaves all the others behind - 1-2 microns (1-2 µm). (A human red blood cell is about 5 microns, and a hair is about 75 microns). The Air Guard thermal foggers create the smallest droplets in the industry - ULV cold fogger droplets are usually larger than 20~30 microns, so the result is significantly more spread and penetrative qualities than cold fogging and ULV.
Q. What size room /area will the anti-viral Air Guard disinfectant machines treat?
AG-800 can fill a normal 240 cubic meter classroom in about ten minutes, or a small 35 cubic meter office in about 70 seconds (say 1 minute) or a large office in 2 minutes... If disinfecting a car, turn the air conditioner to recycle and use for 30 seconds at a time. An elevator would take about 25 seconds.
AG-1500 will fill a 240 cubic meter classroom in one minute, or a small 35 cubic meter office in 7~8 seconds and is suitable for up to 2500~3000 cubic meter areas, taking about 8-9 minutes to fill 2500 cubic meters, or about 2 seconds for an average elevator.
Calculate the room volume (roughly +/- 10%) to determine the duration of fogging required for Air Guard treatment.
Room length x width x ceiling height (in meters) = volume cubic meters. e.g. 5 x 6 meters with a 2.4mtr ceiling =72 cubic meters
The AG-800 produces about 30 cubic meters in a minute (.5 cubic mtr of smoke per second)
The AG-1500 output is 283 cubic meters per minute (four cubic mtrs per second)
For our example room: 72 cubic meters (5 x 6 meters with a 2.4mtr ceiling)
AG-800 72 / .5 seconds = 144 seconds (2.4 minutes)
AG-1500 72 / 4 seconds = 18 seconds
Q. Is there a simple way to check that I am using the right amount of disinfectant fog?
Yes, it is simple - calculate the cubic room size (L x W x H) and AG-800 needs about 2 seconds per cu. meter, and AG-1500 needs 1 second per 5 cu. meters You can't go too far wrong, but a simple testing method is to stretch out your hand and if you can’t see your hand then you've probably used a bit much.
Q. Is it necessary to wipe down a space after using the air disinfectant machine?
No. Using a fogging machine will treat an entire area or surface completely and efficiently, forming an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal barrier. (unless there were body fluids or other physical contaminants that needed removing first)
Q. How often should I use the anti-viral disinfectant machine?
This depends on the environmental conditions, such as ventilation and number of human movements. For example, disinfection in a car for personal use can be effective for 2 weeks, however a car used frequently for business should be disinfected each day. In general, the more occupied a location is, the more frequently it should be disinfected. A typical office can be treated once a week during times of concern or during outbreaks, and every 2-4 weeks at other times as a precautionary measure.
Q. How long after the treatment should you leave the fog to settle?
Allowing the fog to rest is important to enable the fog to have enough time to cover the surface of objects and form a protective shield. Fog is very light so it will take some time for it to drift in the air before falling on the objects. The minimum recommended time is 10 minutes; however a longer period will see better coverage.
Q. Is it safe for humans to walk around immediately afterwards?
The best time to turn on the machine is in the evening after everyone leaves for home. This gives the fog plenty of time to settle. If this is not feasible, then after a minimum of 10 minutes open the window to let the fog out, and staff can return. The FLD05 disinfectant liquid is made of all natural ingredients and is safe for the environment as well as for people.
Q. Will the machine affect paint, wallpaper or furniture?
Q. Do I need to remove electrical equipment?
No. In fact the anti-viral fogger is able to reach into tight spaces such as between computer keyboard keys and telephone keys that other cleaners are unable to reach.
Q. Will the fogger set off my smoke alarm / fire alarm?
Yes, probably. But any spray used too close to a smoke alarm could set it off. We advise placing it at least 2 metres away from a smoke detector, and definitely investigate and test it properly in large facilities where the fire brigade are automatically called on triggering because that is expensive and time wasting for everyone. Smoke detectors can be isolated during fogging treatment to avoid this.
Q. Is the Antari AirGuard disinfection machine government approved?
The liquid used is safe and the ratio of disinfection ingredients is within the guidelines set by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare. The antiviral agent in the disinfectant liquid is Thymol and is listed on the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) website as meeting their criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2.
5 microns is the average droplet size from our Thermal Foggers
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