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Transformer for Lubell Labs Underwater Spkr -200w

Manufacturer: Lubell
For connection to suitable amp (up to 200w @ 8 ohms)
  • Compatible with amplifiers up to 200 watts at 8 ohms.
  • Allows connection of underwater and air speakers to PA systems.
  • Features electrical isolation for safety and proper operation.
  • Includes impedance matching for optimal amplifier performance.
  • Provides volume matching for balanced air and underwater sound levels.
SKU: AC211
Availability: In stock
$631.35 incl tax
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Model AC211 Circuit Master (connectors for portable use only). Use with amplifiers up to 200 watts @ 8 ohms (40 Vrms). 5.75 inch x 4.625 inch x 2.5 inch @ 2.75 pounds.
  • Allows connection of one Lubell LL916C or LL916H underwater synchro swimming speaker AND one 8 ohm normal (air) speaker to a mono or stereo PA system rated between 150 - 200 watts rms @ 8 ohms per channel (40 Vrms 10.6 ohm min).
  1. Operation: First, set the sound level of the underwater speaker using the master volume control on the amplifier. Then set the sound level of the air speaker using the volume control on the AC211 Circuit Master. Once this perfect balance between air and underwater sound levels is set, then the amplifier master volume control alone is used to control overall air & underwater sound levels as different songs are played.



    Lubell Labs AC Series transformer boxes provide:

    1) Electrical transformer isolation of the underwater speaker from the amplifier for safety;

    2) Impedance matching for proper amplifier operation;

    3) A tuned RLC circuit that both limits current and flattens the frequency response during broadband operation (music, pink noise, etc.), and;

    4) Volume matching of air and underwater zones (select models).

    When connected to amplifier of designated wattage and impedance, the output of the transformer boxes will not exceed 20 Vrms @ 3.0A at full drive, and each underwater speaker will produce maximum sound pressure level of 179 dB/uPa/m @ 1kHz. A variety of transformer boxes are made to provide compatibility with existing or custom sound systems. Splitting transformer boxes are offered to allow connection of both air and underwater speaker to an amplifier or sound system.